Seol ríomhphost chugainn:[email protected]
Glaoigh Orainn:0086 18062040965
Is féidir le trealamh garchabhrach a ullmhú cabhrú le cuairteanna ospidéil nach bhfuil gá leo a laghdú.
In order to promote and improve the healing process, it is very important to take first aid measures in time when trauma occurs for individuals, family and company. Everyone should understand first aid knowledge and be able to help in emergency situations, and also need to master the skills to buy the most professional grade first aid kit products.
The orange first aid kit is eye-catching, sturdy, and large in capacity, it is a professional first aid kit worth choosing.
Bosca Kit Garchabhrach Grád Gairmiúil Oiriúnach d'Oifig Tionscail Áit oibre
Is féidir le trealamh garchabhrach oráiste cabhrú leis an mbaol ionfhabhtaithe nó déine díobhála a laghdú. De ghnáth cuimsíonn trealamh garchabhrach grád gairmiúil soláthairtí éagsúla a chabhróidh le ciorruithe, scrapes agus gortuithe a chóireáil, lena n-áirítear sprains agus dónna.